House Account Application
In order to apply for a house account with Door Stop LLC (Amoco), this form must be completed in full. Incomplete application information may result in the termination of the house account.
Please submit your details below and someone will contact you as soon as we can.
By entering your information in the acknowledgement section at the end of the application, you are attesting that all contained information is correct and accurate, and you agree to abide by all terms and conditions listed below the application on this page.
Please submit your details below and someone will contact you as soon as we can.
By entering your information in the acknowledgement section at the end of the application, you are attesting that all contained information is correct and accurate, and you agree to abide by all terms and conditions listed below the application on this page.
In order to obtain your discount, your house account must be settled no later than the 15th day of the month following the charges being accrued. To help expedite payments, you are welcome to utilize direct deposit into our account (bank account information available upon request) or alternatively, pay via credit card as per the instructions on your invoices.
Checks should be mailed or delivered to: Door Stop LLC, 5581 Gordon Road, Sturgeon Bay, WI, 54235.
Checks should be mailed or delivered to: Door Stop LLC, 5581 Gordon Road, Sturgeon Bay, WI, 54235.
Terms & Conditions
- Your house account must be paid in full prior to the end of the month following the month in which the charges were accrued. House accounts that are not settled in this manner might be closed and action commenced by Door Stop LLC to recoup payments.
- Payments made at a discounted rate that are not received by the 15th day of the month following the month in which the charges were accrued will have the shortfall between the full rate and discounted rate added to the account for payment.
- Limits will be applied to all house accounts and will be conveyed in writing, email or phone by a Door Stop LLC representative to yourself or another authorized person on your house account. If your limit has been reached within a month, you will not be able to charge additional gas to your account until the balance has been paid down to below its limit.
- Please notify Door Stop LLC immediately of any changes to the authorized person on your house account or any other changes in information that are relevant to your account. Failure to do so may result in the immediate closure of your account and actions in order for any outstanding balance to be settled.
- There will be a $50 administration fee applied to all returned checks.
- Should your house account balance fall to more that 30 days overdue, there may be an interest charge applied to the outstanding balance at the rate of 18% per annum.
- You will be responsible for all cost incurred by Door Stop LLC in the pursuit of any monies owed.
- Door Stop LLC reserves the right to close any house account at any time, for any reason.
- Once your house account has been closed, all outstanding payments are due immediately.